Thursday, July 8, 2010

Great Grandparents.

I have a very special relationship with my Oma and Opa, they have always been there for my sister and I, and now watching them with Otto surely makes my heart sing.  There is something so special about the very new meeting the old in the family and Otto is already developing such a wonderful relationship with them.

My Opa came to Australia to escape Germany in WW2, only 17 and not knowing any English, from there he married, joined the Australian Army, fought for our country in Vietnam, all while raising a big family.  I have so much respect and admiration for him .  My Oma is a woman of amazing strength, they met and married later in life after all their children had mostly grown, Oma loosing her first love tragically, the love these two share and give to all of us is a testament to the amazing people they are.

I can't wait to see the relationship continue to develop between them all, so much love in one room.

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