Thursday, July 1, 2010

You capture.

So this week we got to choose from three possible topics.
1. Hands
2. Chairs
3. Green

Typically, I couldn't choose and spent so much time thinking about it that I didn't end up with great pictures of any of the three, even though I have two green feature walls in my house!

So in the end I went with chairs, we had a great time at the engagement party on Saturday and Otto certainly got around visiting everyone, especially if they were sitting down!

Luckily the model is cute!

I know we were only meant to choose one topic, but I have to throw in this vintage one of Otto in his green nappy against the wall.



  1. I especially love the one where he's holding on and looking up at you!

  2. He looks so sweet in that green nappy.

  3. The second photo is my favourite too (photo wise) but I love the third photo of Otto in the middle of the chair exploring. Looks like he enjoyed himself!
