Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day two!

Ok, I promise I won't update for each day, but it wasn't a one time fluke, this new rhythm we have put in place is really working.  Otto has a mix of baby led weaning and puree food due to the fact that he is falling really behind in the weight department, but now that we are sitting down to eat with him, I have found that he is eating much more food baby led weaning style than before and that he seems to be enjoying it more!

Han and I are actually participating in conversation with each other rather than staring at the TV exhausted, after putting Otto to bed, and it is so nice to feel like a family unit sitting down to dinner.  Now I am kicking myself for not doing it earlier.  I have made a bit of a ritual around sitting down, we light some candles and turn the lights down low so that it really feels as though we are finishing the day off nicely, oh and the glass of wine certainly doesn't hurt!

I am off to see sex and the city tonight with some girlfriends, this is the first time since Otto was born that I have gone out at night with just the girls and I am really looking forward to it!  Fingers crossed the movie lives up to expectations.

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